Funny I mentioned our hometown Mahopac NY in here. Funnier that I thought $38 would cover a taxi ride.
Looking at this page I realize my brother is sleeping on the top bunk of a bed we shared but below where I should have been, was empty. At this point in real life, I had chosen to start sleeping downstairs in the playroom. Unknowingly years later, this really hurt my brother. I only chose the downstairs because that was where my drawing desk was and thought how cool I could draw or play Super Nintendo and just go to sleep when I crashed. I'm sorry though AJ. I was young and unaware of my actions.
This was the house we grew up in.
Caldor was like pre Target or WalMart if you didn’t know.. A few years later, Adam and I worked at there for a few months. It was awful and no wonder it no longer exists
We used this path through the woods to get to a retail center in town. We took regularly to Video Box Office, even just to look at box art. Rent 2, get 1 free - 3 games or movies for $7. Couldn’t beat that.
I wanted this big battle to happen in the Caldor parking lot. Maybe back then I saw it like a Times Square in my small world.
I wanted to have a standard look for all the bad guy foot soldiers. Wanted a Storm Trooper look.
Originally, the last panel said ‘Fuck You’ but had to revise when my parents asked to see what I was working on once.
I asked everyone to pick what powers they wanted. They were as follows
Me: T-1000
Adam; X-Man (Age of Apolocolpyse)
AJ: Quicksilver/Psylocke combo
Chad: Human Torch ( I picked for him, mainly because he lit everything on fire in real life)
Aaron; Hulk/ Pitt (revealed in issue #3)
Originally the show they wanted to get back to was going to be Friends, then the Simpsons but changed it for some reason later on to Seinfeld.
I thought a letter page would make this look more real. Interesting note about JV basketball. It was the hardest I worked at anything up until that point). I remember my arms and muscles hurting so much (probably for the first time) that I couldn’t hold a pencil the next day. I cried that I might never be able to draw again. I thought about quitting.
Interesting remark here about what comics should represent - pretty embarrassing to read my “editor” answer and how small minded it was. Then again, I was 15 ad just learning about life and art. I no longer feel this way about comics FYI.